桐原 尚之 (全国「精神病」者集団運営委員)
長谷川 唯 (日本学術振興会特別研究員/京都府立大学)
1 仁川戦略の前史
1.1 障害者が主導権を得るまでの過程
1.2 日本の取り組み
1.3 国内障害者団体と国際障害者団体の関係
2 仁川戦略草案への関与
2.1 仁川戦略草案に対する取り組み
・ネパール在住のWNUSP理事Matrika Devkotaの脱退後にESCAP外交の担い手が空席状態となり、このままだと再び精神障害者が不在のまま進んでいくことになるという問題意識があった。
・ESCAPにおけるハイレベル政府間会議(2012年3月)→ 獲得目標:【a】15の市民社会側の団体が連帯して草案修正意見書を提出する。【b】仁川戦略を評価基準とした各国政府の実施状況の監視体制を求める。【c】監視機関を設置し障害者団体が成員となる。
1. Disabled Peoples’ International Asia-Pacific
2. Inclusion International (II) Asia-Pacific
3. World Blind Union (WBU)
4. World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific
5. World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDb) Asia and the Pacific
6. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) Asia-Pacific
7. Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
8. ASEAN Autism Network
9. ASEAN Disability Forum
10. Pacific Disability Forum (PDF)
11. South Asian Disability Forum (SADF)
12. Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD)
13. Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Asia-Pacific Network
14. DAISY Consortium
15. Rehabilitation International (RI) Asia-Pacific
・ESCAPにおけるハイレベル政府間会議・最終年会議(2012年11月)→ 結果:【a】修正の上で仁川戦略が採択される。【b】ワーキンググループにはWNUSPを含む19の市民社会の組織が立候補をしてしまう。【c】JDFとして“震災と障害”をテーマにサイドイベントを実施する。【d】APDF国際会議の場においてティナ・ミンコウィッツや桐原が登壇し、オーヤンら韓国の精神障害者の活動家と出会う。
目標 1 貧困を削減し、労働および雇用の見通しを改善すること
目標 2 政治プロセスおよび政策決定への参加を促進すること
目標 3 物理的環境、公共交通機関、知識、情報およびコミュニケーションへのアクセスを高めること
目標 4 社会的保護を強化すること
目標 5 障害のある子どもへの早期関与と早期教育を広めること
目標 6 性(ジェンダー)の平等と女性のエンパワーメントを保障すること
目標 7 障害インクルーシブな災害リスク軽減および災害対応を保障すること
目標 8 障害に関するデータの信頼性および比較可能性を向上させること
目標 9 「障害者の権利に関する条約」の批准および実施を推進し、各国の法制度を権利条約と整合させること
目標10 小地域、地域内および地域間の協力を推進すること
2.2 ワーキンググループとサイドイベントに関する行動
・ESCAPは市民社会の組織と協議する場を設ける(2013年4月)→ 市民社会の組織同士で対話し、15団体に絞り込むとのこと。WNUSPはECOSC特別討議資格を有し、アジア太平洋地域ブロック組織があり(?)、IDA加盟組織の実績ある障害者団体であることからスムーズに入ることができた。
「ASEAN Autism Network」と「Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Asia-Pacific Network」が辞退を宣言し、「DPO United」「Central Asian Disability Forum」がメンバーとして選ばれた。
・ESCAPはプレワーキンググループを招集(2013年11月)→ このときにワーキンググループの運営のルールが決まる。WNUSPからは桐原が立候補するも、インドのバーガビが出席する。桐原は出席できなくなったためバーガビと佐野さんにAPCDとの共催によるサイドイベントの件で引き継ぎの連絡をする。
2.3 課題
Draft for WNUSP opinion at Regional Preparatory Meeting Bangkok 14-16 2012
First of all, thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to speak at this important meeting.
We users and survivors of psychiatry have been discriminated and excluded in whichever country we live or under whatever culture we live. Many mental health acts in
various countries provide involuntary commitments and not a few of us are infinitely detained under an existing mental health act. It is not just a story but our reality. People in a lot of
counties believe a hypothesis that there must be some abnormality in a brain of a person with mental disabilities and he/she cannot communicate his/her thoughts clearly. This hypothesis has given
a ground for involuntary commitment. We have suffered psychotropic medication and electro convulsive therapy that are very intrusive and irreversible treatments to transform our mentality without
any informed consent.
CRPD was adopted by the Sixty one of General Assembly in December 2006. Article 12 of CRPD provides “Equal recognition before the law”. A person shall not be
excluded from any aspects of life on a medical ground, for example inability to communicate his/her thoughts clearly. Article 14 of CRPD articulates that a person shall not be deprived liberty
because of his/her mental impairment. CRPD is a human rights convention. Human rights are universal value for humankind. Every country is required to act together in accordance with International
Human Rights law.
Now, it will be necessary for us people in Asia and pacific countries to demand to ratify CRPD. Goal 9, November 29th 2011, clearly provides that Accelerate the
ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and harmonization of national legislation with the Convention. I think that it is especially significant that the draft
of Inchon Strategy three, December 16th 2011, provides Report of the regional stakeholder consultation for the High-level intergovernmental meeting on the final review of the implementation of
the Asian and Pacific decade of Disabled Persons 2003-2012 (Second Session). It is not enough to ratify CRPD to reform domestic laws and policies so as to protect and promote human rights for
persons with disabilities. It is impossible to appeal higher court by reason of violation of a ratified human rights convention under Japanese criminal and civil procedure law. Thus we have to
construct a human rights mechanism that has function for examination and judgment under international human rights law in this reformation. I think a mechanism that deals with individual cases
would work more effectively. Regional Disability Rights Mechanism, such as DRTAP: Disability Rights Tribunal in Asia & Pacific, will be helpful mechanism for implementation and harmonization
of CRPD. Especially abolishment of deprivation of liberty because of a disability (Article 14-1- b of CRPD), recognition of a legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life
(Article 12-2), protecting the integrity (Article 17) and freedom form torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 15) are extremely important provisions for users
and survivors. Regional Disability Rights Mechanism needs to adhere to the highest standards including the CRPD, the jurisprudence of the CRPD committee, and the report of the Special Rapporteur
on Torture on "torture and persons with disabilities" of July 2008.
It is indispensable for users and survivors to be involved into every policy decision-making that is relevant to them. Goal 2 provides that Promote participation in
political processes and in decision making. It has been typical that family members of users and survivors substitute for them in participation in policy decision making. A opinion of a family
organization has sometimes been taken priority over that of users and survivors’ organization where their opinions are different. An opinion of a users and survivors organization has to take top
priority on issues about them though we do not reject a family’s participation. Family organization should speak on their own issue.
One of the purposes of ESCAP is protect and promote human rights. Cooperation by Asia and Pacific countries to promote implementation of CRPD and to achieve our
Goals in the New Decade is strongly expected. All member states and public sectors in Asia and Pacific enterprisingly have to fund a regional disability rights mechanism to implementation of CRPD
and accomplishment of INGOT.
After the Decade for Persons with Disabilities, Asia and Pacific region launched our action first among all regions and we have made great movements of the Decade
for persons with disabilities in Africa and also in Arab. Showing a good leadership, how effectively can we make CRPD work? We will be challenged during the next decade.
World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Draft for WNUSP opinion at CSOs Informal Session, 23 April 2013, Bangkok
1. Post-MDGs
We like to add human rights for disabled peoples in a Post Millennium Development Goals.
2. Working Group of the Inchon strategy
On October 31, 2012, Inchon strategy was adopted in a High-level Intergovernmental Meeting adopted the Ministerial Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of
Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022.
The Inchon strategy prescribed in “Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities”. A member of the working group is 15 from members and
associate members and 15 from civil society organizations. However, the civil society organizations hoping for participation in working group has 18 groups. Therefore, with 15 committees as
Working Group members, This 3’s civil society organizations like to allow participate as observer.